Métabolites primaires

Métabolites primaires

Métabolites primaires

Analyse des métabolites primaires

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Publications récentes incluant l'expertise analytique du plateau de chimie en métabolites primaires :

Métabolome primaire

Launay, A., Cabassa-Hourton, C., Eubel, H., Maldiney, R., Guivarc’h, A., Crilat, E., Planchais, S., Lacoste, J., Bordenave-Jacquemin, M., Clément, G., Richard, L., Carol, P., Braun, H.-P., Lebreton, S., Savouré, A. (2019) Proline oxidation fuels mitochondrial respiration during dark-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Exp Bot. erz351 https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz351

Forzani, C., Duarte, G.T., Van Leene, J., Clément, G., Huguet, S., Paysant-Le-Roux, C., Mercier, R., De Jaeger, G., Leprince, A.-S., Meyer, C. (2019) Mutations of the AtYAK1 Kinase Suppress TOR Deficiency in Arabidopsis, Cell Reports 27 (12), 3696-3708.e5 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2019.05.074

Chauffour, F., Bailly, M., Perreau, F., Cueff, G., Suzuki, H., Collet, B., Frey, A., Clément, G., Soubigou-Taconnat, L., Balliau, T., Krieger-Liszkay, A., Rajjou, L., Marion-Poll, A.(2019) Multi-omics analysis reveals sequential roles for ABA during seed maturation. Plant Phys. Published April 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.19.00338

Schaufelberger, M., Galbier, F., Herger, A., de Brito Francisco, R., Roffler, S., Clement, G., Diet, A., Hörtensteiner, S., Wicker, T., Ringli, C. (2019) Mutations in the Arabidopsis ROL17/isopropylmalate synthase 1 locus alter amino acid content, modify the TOR network, and suppress the root hair cell development mutant lrx1. J. Exp. Bot. ery463, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ery463

Moret, F., Lemaître-Guillier, C., Grosjean, C., Clément, G., Coelho, C., Negrel, J., Jacquens, L., Morvan, G., Mouille, G., Trouvelot, S., Fontaine, F., Adrian, M. (2019) Clone-Dependent Expression of Esca Disease Revealed by Leaf Metabolite Analysis. Front Plant Sci. 9:1960. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01960.

Durand, TC., Cueff, G., Godin, B., Valot, B., Clément, G., Gaude, T., Rajjou, L. (2019) Combined Proteomic and Metabolomic Profiling of the Arabidopsis thaliana vps29 Mutant Reveals Pleiotropic Functions of the Retromer in Seed Development. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 20(2). pii: E362. doi: 10.3390/ijms20020362.

Krzyzaniak, Y., Negrel, J., Lemaitre-Guillier, C., Clément, G., Mouille, G., Klinguer, A., Trouvelot, S., Héloir, MC., Adrian, M. (2018) Combined enzymatic and metabolic analysis of grapevine cell responses to elicitors. Plant Physiol Biochem. 2017 Dec 7;123:141-148. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2017.12.

Galland, M., He, D., Lounifi, I., Arc, E., Clément, G., Balzergue, S., Huguet, S., Cueff, G., Godin, B., Collet, B., Granier, F., Morin, H., Tran, J., Valot, B. and Rajjou, L. (2017) An integrated “multi-omics” comparison of embryo and endosperm tissue-specific features and their impact on rice seed quality.  Front. Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01984

Avila-Ospina, L., Clément, G. and Masclaux-Daubresse, C.(2017) Metabolite Profiling for Leaf Senescence in Barley Reveals Decreases in Amino Acids and Glycolysis Intermediates. Agronomy 7(1), 15; doi:10.3390/agronomy7010015

Iacovone, A., French, A.S., Tellier, F., Cusumano, A., Clément, G., Gaertner, C., Conti, E., Salerno, G., Marion-Poll, F. (2016) The role of contact chemoreception in the host location process of an egg parasitoid. J Insect Physiol 91–92: 63–75 doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2016.07.001

Gerald, J., Clément, G., Ahuya, P., Hassanali, A., Derridj, S., Gaertner, C., Linard, R., Le Ru, B.P., Frérot, B., Calatayud,P.-A. (2016) Influence of Host-Plant Surface Chemicals on the Oviposition of the Cereal Stemborer Busseola Fusca. Journal of Chemical Ecology · May 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-016-0704-0

Gaufichon, L., Marmagne, A., Belcram, K., Yoneyama, T., Sakakibara, Y., Hase, T., Grandjean, O., Clément, G., Citerne, S., Boutet-Mercey, S., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Chardon, F., Soulay, F., Xu, X., Trassaert, M., Shakiebaei, M., Najihi, A. and Suzuki A. (2017) ASN1-encoded asparagine synthetase in floral organs contributes to nitrogen filling in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant J. Accepted manuscript online: 8 APR 2017 02:36AM EST | DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13567

Gaufichon, L., Marmagne, A., Yoneyama, T., Hase, T., Clément, G., Trassaert, M., Xu, X., Shakibaei, M., Najihi, A. and Suzuki, A. (2016) Impact of the Disruption of ASN3-Encoding Asparagine Synthetase on Arabidopsis Development. Agronomy 6(1), 12; doi:10.3390/agronomy6010012

Lang, J., Gonzalez-Mula, A., Taconnat, L., Clément, G., Faure, D. (2016) The plant GABA signaling downregulates horizontal transfer of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence plasmid. New Phytol. First published: 30 December 2015. DOI: 10.1111/nph.13813

Leprince, A.-S., Magalhaes, N., De Vos, D., Bordenave, M., Crilat, E., Clément, G., Meyer, C., Munnik, T. and Savoure, A. (2015) Involvement of Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in the regulation of proline catabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana, Front. Plant Sci, 5:772.

Tercé-Laforgue, T., Clément, G., Marchi, L., Restivo, F.M., Lea, P.J. and Hirel, B. (2015) Resolving the Role of Plant NAD-Glutamate Dehydrogenase: III. Overexpressing Individually or Simultaneously the Two Enzyme Subunits Under Salt Stress Induces Changes in the Leaf Metabolic Profile and Increases Plant Biomass Production. Plant Cell Physiol doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcv114

Amiour, N., Imbaud, S., Clément, G., Agier, N., Zivy, M., Valot, B., Balliau, T., Quilleré, I., Tercé-Laforgue, T., Dargel-Graffin, C., Hirel, B.(2014) An integrated "omics" approach to the characterization of maize (Zea mays L.) mutants deficient in the expression of two genes encoding cytosolic glutamine synthetase. BMC Genomics 15:1005 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1005

Simons, M., Saha, R., Amiour, N., Kumar, A., Guillard, L., Clément, G., Miquel, M., Li, Z., Mouille, G., Lea, P.J., Hirel, B. and Maranas, C.D. (2014) Assessing the Metabolic Impact of Nitrogen Availability using a Compartmentalized Maize Leaf Genome-Scale Model, Plant Phys, Published on September 23, 2014, as DOI:10.1104/pp.114.245787

Fagard, M., Launay, A., Clément, G., Courtial, J., Dellagi, A., Farjad, M., Krapp, A., Soulié, M.-C. and Masclaux-Daubresse ,C. (2014) Nitrogen metabolism meets phytopathology, J Exp Bot, doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru323

Simons, M., Saha, R., Guillard, L., Clément, G., Armengaud, P., Cañas, R., Maranas, C.D., Lea, P.J. and Hirel, B.(2014) Nitrogen-use efficiency in maize (Zea mays L.): from ‘omics’ studies to metabolic modelling, J Exp Bot, Advance Access 10.1093/jxb/eru227

Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Clément, G., Anne, P., Routaboul, J.-M., Guiboileau, A., Soulay, F., Shirasu, K., Yoshimoto, K. (2014) Stitching together the Multiple Dimensions of Autophagy Using Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Reveals Impacts on Metabolism, Development, and Plant Responses to the Environment in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell tpc.114.124677; First Published on May 7, 2014; doi:10.1105/tpc.114.124677

Vilaine, F., Kerchev, P., Clément, G., Batailler, B., Cayla, T., Bill, L., Gissot, L., and Dinant, S.(2013) Increased Expression of a Phloem Membrane Protein Encoded by NHL26 Alters Phloem Export and Sugar Partitioning in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 25(5), 1689-1708.

Gaufichon, L., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Tcherkez, G., Reisdorf-Cren, M., Sakakibara, Y., Hase, T., Clément, G., Avice, J.C., Grandjean, O., Marmagne, A., Boutet-Mercey, S., Azzopardi, M., Soulay, F., and Suzuki, A.(2013). Arabidopsis thaliana ASN2 encoding asparagine synthetase is involved in the control of nitrogen assimilation and export during vegetative growth. Plant Cell Environ 36,328-342.

Chardon, F., Bedu, M., Calenge, F., Klemens, P.A.W., Spinner, L., Clément, G., Chietera, G., Léran, S., Ferrand, M., Lacombe, B., Loudet, O., Dinant, S., Bellini, C., Ekkehard Neuhaus, H., Daniel-Vedele, F., and Krapp, A.(2013). Leaf Fructose Content Is Controlled by the Vacuolar Transporter SWEET17 in Arabidopsis, Curr Biol 23 (8) 697-702.

Denancé, N., Ranocha, P., Oria, N., Barlet, X., Riviere, M.P., Yadeta, K.A., Hoffmann, L., Perreau, F., Clément, G., Maia-Grondard, A., van den Berg, G.C., Savelli, B., Fournier, S., Aubert, Y., Pelletier, S., Thomma, B.P., Molina, A., Jouanin, L., Marco, Y., and Goffner, D.(2013). Arabidopsis wat1 (walls are thin1)-mediated resistance to the bacterial vascular pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum, is accompanied by cross-regulation of salicylic acid and tryptophan metabolism. Plant J 73(2) 225–239.

Dobrenel, T., Marchive, C., Azzopardi, M., Clément, G., Moreau, M., Sormani, R., & Meyer, C.(2013) Sugar metabolism and the plant Target Of Rapamycin kinase: a sweet operaTOR?. Front Plant Sci 4: 93

Acides Aminés

Bourion, V., Martin, C., de Larambergue, H., Jacquin, F., Aubert, G., Martin-Magniette, M.L.,  Balzergue, S., Lescure, G., Citerne, S., Lepetit, M., Munier-Jolain, N., Salon C. and Duc, G. (2014). Unexpectedly low nitrogen acquisition and absence of root architecture adaptation to nitrate supply in a Medicago truncatula highly branched root mutant, J Exp Bot first published online April 4, 2014 doi:10.1093/jxb/eru124

Gaufichon, L., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Tcherkez, G., Reisdorf-Cren, M., Sakakibara, Y., Hase, T., Clément, G., Avice, J.C., Grandjean, O., Marmagne, A., Boutet-Mercey, S., Azzopardi, M., Soulay, F., and Suzuki, A.(2013). Arabidopsis thaliana ASN2 encoding asparagine synthetase is involved in the control of nitrogen assimilation and export during vegetative growth. Plant Cell Environ36,328-342.

Eisenhut, M., Planchais, S., Cabassa, C., Guivarc'h, A., Justin, A. M., Taconnat, L., Renou, J.P., Linka, M., Gagneul, D., Timm, S., Bauwe, H., Carol, P. & Weber, A. P.(2013). Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels. Plant J73(5):836-49.

Arkoun, M., Jannin, L., Laine, P., Etienne, P., Masclaux-Daubresse, C., Citerne, S., Garnica, M., Garcia-Mina, J.M., Yvin, J.C., and Ourry, A.(2013). A physiological and molecular study of the effects of nickel deficiency and phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPD) application on urea metabolism in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Plant Soil 362,79-92.

Anions inorganiques

Kiba, T., Feria-Bourrellier, A.B., Lafouge, F., Lezhneva, L., Boutet-Mercey, S., Orsel, M., Brehaut, V., Miller, A., Daniel-Vedele, F., Sakakibara, H., and Krapp, A. (2012). The Arabidopsis Nitrate Transporter NRT2.4 Plays a Double Role in Roots and Shoots of Nitrogen-Straved Plants. Plant Cell 24, 245-258.

Date de modification : 03 juillet 2023 | Date de création : 09 octobre 2013 | Rédaction : FP