ADEP - Adaptive and epidemiological processes in wheat-fungal pathogen interactions

Adaptive and epidemiological processes in wheat-fungal pathogen interactions


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We characterize the adaptive and epidemiological processes in wheat-fungal pathogen interactions. The objective of our research is to produce a body of knowledge that allows understanding the determinants and consequences of these processes at different scales. These insights have a primary application in managing plant immunity and inoculum sources in the context of climate change and agroecological transition. Our study model is wheat septoria leaf blotch caused by Zymoseptoria tritici, and to a lesser extent, stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici.

We produce and make available knowledge useful for improving the efficiency and sustainability of fungal disease resistance in wheat. The interactions between pathogenic populations, host populations, and environmental conditions are determined by the biology of the pathogen (including its modes of reproduction), by the selective pressure exerted by the host (species and variety), and environmental conditions (such as temperature and humidity). The processes involved in adaptive dynamics are often specific to temporal scales (intra- and inter-epidemic periods) and spatial scales (gene, plant, plot), considering that host resistance sources can be combined at these different scales (pyramiding, varietal mixtures, deployment at a landscape scale, etc.).

Our work unfolds in 5 axes:

Our team, consisting of three scientists and one permanent technician, benefits from the support of contracted collaborators, postdoctoral researchers, doctoral students, and Master's level interns. We are affiliated with the LabEx SPS and BASC and associated with the SEVE and ABIES doctoral schools, through which we can nominate candidates for ministerial doctoral scholarships.

If you wish to join us or have a project to submit, please feel free to get in touch!

Modification date : 10 April 2024 | Publication date : 21 December 2010 | Redactor : Fréderic Suffert